Digital Measures and Self Evaluations Policies

Digital Measures and Self Evaluations Policies

DIGITAL MEASURES, Faculty Activity Report DUE no later than Jan. 31

  • All faculty members who receive benefits must complete this; part time facultyare encouraged to do so. 
  • Must include Syllabi, and Course Enhancements and all records of Teaching, Scholarship/Creative Activity and Service.

SELF EVALUATIONS, DUE no later than Jan. 31

  • Please remember to use the department’s current self-evaluation form. This should be turned in electronically to the chair and the faculty member should save a copy/and place a copy in your dossier.  (Please be brief, maximum 2-3 pages).
  • Please label it: yourusername_selfeval_year.docx (e.g., adamsm_selfeval_2014.docx)
  • All faculty members who receive benefits should complete this; Lecturers and ¾ time faculty may opt to do portions of the form; part time faculty members without benefits do not need to do this.

This policy, along with the mandated university dossier as specified in the faculty handbook, replaces our Teaching Portfolio policy.

Approved by faculty 1.25.14
