Appalachian Young People’s Theatre (AYPT)
The Fisherman and His Wife
by Larry and Vivian Snipes
April 11-13, 2025
The Fisherman and His Wife by Larry and Vivian Snipes, performed by Appalachian Young People's Theatre. Directed by Gordon Hensley
I.G. Greer Studio Theatre
Directed by Gordon Hensley
General Admission $5
The Remember the Brothers Grimm tale of the fisherman who catches a magical fish and uses his wishes to bring happiness to his wife? Appalachian Young People's Theatre brings this classic story to life with a twist— you become part of the magic! This interactive performance invites the audience to step into the action, creating scenery, sound effects, and more. Join us for this fun-filled, participatory play that promises to be a "reel" catch for all ages! Adapted by Larry and Vivian Snipes.
All evening performances begin promptly at 7 p.m. with matinees beginning at 2 p.m.
“The Fisherman and His Wife” is presented by arrangement with Dramatic Publishing.