Attention: Due to Covid, requests for weekend usage of these spaces must be arranged via email.
- To request weekend usage email
For weekday usage requests follow the insturctions below:
Chapell Wilson Hall is located at 480 Howard St. on the Appalachian State campus (map). It houses the Department of Theatre and Dance on the first and lower floors.
Priority for use of Chapell Wilson Hall Theatre and Dance Classrooms is as follows:
- App State Theatre and Dance faculty and departmental courses
- Classes/rehearsals that are directly related to the department curriculum
- App State students enrolled in a THR or DAN class or engaged in a co-curricular performance project
- Student organizations associated with the Department of Theatre and Dance
- Outside organizations/clubs that have been approved by the Theatre and Dance Department
If you are requesting a time slot that will repeat throughout the semester:
Please email with your full request (see required details below).
For all other requests:
Please click on the CW classroom that you are interested in booking for your project, club, or organization in order to book a classroom through our Google appointment slots. NOTE: These slots are in 30-minute increments, so you must repeat your reservation in each slot for the desired time frame. (Ex: 3:30-5:30 = Four 30 min slots).
(Only needed for the first slot of the entire time frame):
“What”→ Title - ie. Name of student, club or organization
“Where” → Room number
“Description” → 1. Purpose of use 2. If a club, name of advisor 3. Additional information (as necessary)
Subsequent 30-minute slots for the same reservation will only need information in the first, “What” box (ie. name/organization.
If your reservation is NOT approved, you will be notified by someone in the Theatre and Dance office to find another space. Otherwise, your reservation is approved (ie. NO notification.)
Please be sure to dispose of all trash and recycling and restore all desks to their original position before vacating the room. Repeated misuse of the space may affect your ability to reserve the space in the future.
Please contact the Department of Theatre and Dance office with any questions: (828) 262-3028 or
Chapell Wilson Classroom Bookings
Main (First) Floor:
CW 105 (seats 50)
CW 111 (seats 30)
Lower Level:
CW 6A (seats 40)
CW 8 (seats 30 - Flexible space: can be transformed into a studio)
Computer Lab (Room 129) and Design Lab (Room 142) are reserved by faculty via email to