A Dramaturg can perform many functions, depending on the production, but his or her main job is to help the director and production team make the best out of a play. It is the job of the dramaturg to learn as much as possible about the play (its structure, its language, its themes, etc.) and the context surrounding its creation, then to share that knowledge with the production team whenever and however it is useful. Dramaturgs often help directors develop the production concept and provide an extra set of educated eyes and ears during the rehearsal process to help the director effectively realize that concept. In the case of a new play, a dramaturg gives the playwright feedback during the revision process in order to help the playwright achieve his or her goals for the play. Dramaturgs also strive to enhance the audience’s experience of the play by developing supplemental interpretive materials like lobby displays, public websites, and program notes.
- Read the script numerous times.
- Give the Director feedback as he or she develops the Directorial Design/Conceptual Statement.
- Set up regular meetings with the director to discuss concept development before rehearsals begin and concept implementation after rehearsals begin.
- Attend and contribute to design and production meetings.
- Collaborate productively with all members of the production team, taking inspiration and guidance from the director.
- Meet specific deadlines detailed for the project.
- Provide the following research/analysis as requested by the director:
- Textual analysis.
- History of the text.
- Biographical information on the playwright.
- Information on the play’s sociopolitical-historical context.
- Production history.
- Critical reviews of past performances.
- Review of various translations.
- Development/adaptation of the text.
- Consult with the director regarding responsibilities during rehearsals. The following assignments might be made for rehearsals:
- Talk to the company about research material pertinent to the development of the performance.
- Provide resource material for the company (e.g. definitions of terms, pronunciation guide, etc.).
- Serve as a surrogate audience member by analyzing how certain choices may “read” and identifying moments where the concept could be manifest more clearly.
- Serve as a “critical eye” for director and designers.
- Other assignments as necessary for the specific needs of the production.
- In consultation with the director, provide information (commentary, illustrations, photos, etc.) for the program, lobby display, public website, or any other supplemental audience materials.
Online application for this position.